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Download jDictionary with JRE (Windows version)
jDictionary version 1.8 for Windows with JRE 1.4
This version of jDictionary is bundled with JRE 1.4.
Download size: 11.96 MB
Download jDictionary without JRE (Windows version)
jDictionary version 1.8 for Windows without JRE
For this version you will need a properly installed JRE 1.3 or above.
Download size: 0.47 MB
Download jDictionary for SuSE linux
jDictionary version 1.8 for SuSE linux
SuSE RPM package. A properly installed JRE 1.3 or later is needed. You can download JRE for SuSE linux from here
Download size: 0.29 MB
Download jDictionary (Platform independent)
jDictionary version 1.8 Platform independent
This version of jDictionary is suitable for all platforms that have a properly installed JRE 1.3 or above.
Download size: 0.45 MB
Installation notes

For windows version:
For windows users there are two versions of jDictionary. One is bundled with Java Runtime Environment v1.4 (JRE) and the other one is without JRE. If you have a properly installed JRE version 1.3 or higher on your machine, choose the jDictionary without JRE, otherwise you should download the jDictionary with JRE.

For platform independent version:
The platform independent version is available only without Java Runtime Environment (JRE), so you have to download and install it before using jDictionary. To download the JRE click here.
To run the platform independent version extract the .zip file into a directory, thereafter change directory to where you extracted the zip archive. Then execute:
java -jar jdictionary.jar
Most platforms have a mechanism to execute .jar files. For example: double click the jDictionary.jar on windows.

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